Now friends, all of you have heard the FABULOUS story about how Santa saved the "strep throat Christmas" by bringing ME the Barbie Party Bus.

Charlie dutifully put every piece together and every last decal into place. Never had Barbie had such a fantastic ride. Of course that's when it occurred to me that I had no Barbies with which to play in the Barbie Party Bus. This would not do and I was not about to use the "Bad Hair Barbie" cast offs of the girls.
So I waited patiently until the next Christmas. And much to my SURPRISE, I received, not one, not two, but THREE uniquely different, ready to party, Barbies!
So now we're ready for business! It takes a "village" to create a proper Barbie scenario, so I invited the princesses to engage in a little poolside Barbie play.

We are definitely "safety girls" so our Barbies have only expertly qualified lifeguards. We find that mermaids make excellent lifeguards. All Barbies, even Mermaid Barbies, must limit their sun exposure. These lovely ladies prefer Australian Gold SPF 30 with Instant Bronzer for that Barbie Girl Fun Glow!
Now, you may be wondering if that Barbie Party Bus actually sees some play time, but you will be glad to know that our Barbies want for nothing. They have their own pool, as you can see, as well as their own mobile hot tub with lights and music.

And to be perfectly honest, I've relaxed a bit about all the little pieces, because, let's face it. It's no fun to play Barbies with the Barbie Nazi looking over your shoulder constantly harping on all those little pieces getting lost, blah, blah, blah. So we're rolling out the Barbie Party Bus for weekly fun in the sun. Now all that's missing is a Ken with his head still attached. Those dang Kens' heads just keep popping off. I think that cell block tango from Chicago,
might have something to do with it. "He had it coming, you should have seen it. If you'd have been there, bet you would have done the same....I fired two warning shots, into his head...." Gotta LOVE Chicago! ; )
1 comment:
Tis the difference between boys and girls. Yesterday my oldest built a Bionicle character out of Legos. I laughed and wet my pants every time I looked at him, because it looked like frozen pee was hanging between his legs. Clayton had a great story to go along with this character, but I can't share that with you because I was in the gutter. On this note, remind Barbie not to eat yellow snow.
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